Counselors take on many tasks


Most of us have made a trip to the counseling center only to find out that our designated counselor is either out of the building or busy with another student, with a line that will take longer than the class period to get through.


“I think people are unaware of  the responsibilities that us counselors have,” department leader Brenda Lowry said. “There are a lot of things that we have to leave for, but it’s all required.”


Lowry said she understands that students may feel as though the counselors are not there as often as they are gone, but she ensures that when they are not scattered about, running to meetings, taking charge of groups and assisting in testing and much more, it’s actually quite easy to get in with one of them.


Julie Graham is another counselor that students are able to talk to when they need guidance. She was surprised when she found out that students get upset when they are not available.


“It’s upsetting because we try to meet all of our students’ needs, but we’re called out of our offices quite often for required jobs,” she said. “We have tests to prepare for, groups that we rotate, lunch duty, and much more. We often get pulled from our offices for things that are required by the district.”


She said that she tries her best to get back with every student that writes his or her name on her board, but she also wants students to remember that it’s each counselor against 300 kids.


“We’re constantly busy with appointments and incidents with other kids, but that doesn’t mean I’m not available to meet with students,” Graham said. “The best way to set up a time to talk to me is to go to Mrs. Kemph in the middle desk. She’ll write a pass and hand it write to me when she sees me. I never miss those passes.”


Lowry agrees with Graham and says she thinks students would be more understanding if they would talk to Kemph instead of storming out of the counseling center when they see the doors are closed. She is usually able to let students know where the counselors are, when they will be back and when would be the best time to set up an appointment.


“Mrs. Kemph is wonderful,” Lowry said. “She always knows where we are at. If kids talk to her, she will set them up an appointment right away. I just wish more kids would talk to her. They would be more understanding, and they’d get in to see us like they wanted too.”